Opti-Hive | SEO Check List

SEO Check List

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Initial Review & Analysis
In-Depth Site Analysis X In-Debth SEO analysis is to study how it might improve a given website’s ranking on search engines like Google. With an SEO analysis, it find what aspects of SEO strategy are working and what are the biggest obstacles those are preventing your website from improving ranking.
Duplicate Content Check X We check whether website has duplicate contents or not.
Competition Analysis X Understanding who your competitors are and seeing where they stand can lead to a far more comprehensive understanding of what our goals should be and reveal gaps or blind spots. SEO competitive analysis is critical because it gives data about which tactics are working in the industry we are in and what we will need to do to start improving our keyword rankings
Keyword Analysis X Keyword analysis is the process of analyzing the keywords or search phrases that bring visitors to your website through organic and paid search
Baseline Ranking Check X Baseline Keyword Ranking Report is make changes to your site and watch it move up in search results.
Keyword URL Mapping X URL mapping or keyword URL mapping is the process of determining which page of a website should contain certain keywords to maximize the optimization of the entire website or webpage as a whole
Broken Links Check X Check your web-pages for broken / dead links, validate, find, and report bad hyperlinks if any found
Google Penalty Check X A Google penalty is a punishment handed out byGoogle. A Google penalty may result from an algorithm update. An example was the Mobilegeddon update that penalized sites for not being mobile-friendly. Penalties may also be the result of a manual review.
On Page Optimization
Canonicalization X A canonical tag (aka “rel canonical”) is a way of telling search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. Using the canonical tag prevents problems caused by identical or “duplicate” content appearing on multiple URLs
Header Tags Optimization X The header tag, or the <h1> tag in HTML, will usually be the title of a post, or other emphasized text on the page. It will usually be the largest text that stands out. There are other header tags in HTML too, like an h2, h3, h4, etc. Essentially, just by having a H1 tag on your pages, you’re helping your website rank better. It may not be the strongest thing you can do for search engine optimization, but H1 tags are still very important for SEO because they tell both search engines and website visitors what the content of pages will be about.
Internal Link Structuring & Optimization 15 Pages Anchor text use for internal links. Anchor text refers to the specific verbiage used in a text-based link to another page. The anchor text used as the hyperlink helps the search engines to understand the relevance to the target. Internal links also connect your content and give Google an idea of the structure of your website. They can establish a hierarchy on your site, allowing you to give the most important pages and posts more link value than other, less valuable, pages. So using the right internal linking strategy can boost your SEO!
Image & Hyperlink Optimization X Hyperlink Optimization means adding a link to the main keywords in your text. This is a part of SEO Process which helps improve your listing in the search engines. Image optimization is optimizing the images in your site to be crawled by search engine and to be user friendly.
Robots.Txt Creation/Analysis X Robots.txt is a text file webmasters create to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) how to crawl pages on their website.
Xml Sitemap/Analysis X Simply put, an XML sitemap is a bit of Extensible Markup Language (XML), a standard machine-readable format consumable by search engines and other data-munching programs like feed readers. XML sitemaps convey information about one thing: the URLs that make up a site. Each XML sitemap file follows the same basic form
Google Webmaster Tools Set Up (if not set up) X Setup the GWT, Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site’s Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results.
Google Analytics Set Up (if not setup) X Setup the GA, Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
Title & Meta Tags Optimization 15 Pages SEO title optimization can help you boost your chances of ranking well in the SERPs. Title tags are also the first thing that your audience sees once they enter a search query. … If a user has too many tabs open on their web browser, title tags can help them identify the content of the webpage.
Content Optimization X Content optimization is the process of making sure content is written in a way that it can reach the largest possible target audience. The process of optimizing content should include making sure associated keywords are present, adding meta and title tags, and relevant links.
Fresh Web Content Suggestions X The Importance of Fresh Content for SEO. Trying to pinpoint which aspects of a search engine’s algorithm are most important for increasing page rank is no easy task. … To maintain their relevancy, search engines must continually alter how they determine factors like relevancy and usefulness.
Schema Implementation for Contact Address X The Local Business section of Schema.org has a variety of categories that businesses can implement as part of the footer or contact page of their website, including address, phone, fax, operating hours, and even accepted payment types
Geo Targeting (via GWT & Code) X Google’s Webmaster Tools will default to the country code of your TLD, but you can modify any assumptions using Set Geographic Target in the
Address add to current website page[s] (if applicable) X Add the business address to inform search engines where the business operating
KML Sitemap X It stands for “keyhole markup language.” According to Google, “KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile
Page Speed Optimization Analysis* X Page speed is important to users because, well, faster pages are more efficient. Per a recent Kissmetrics infographic, if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, over a quarter of users will click away. … In 2010, Google announced that page speed would be included as one of the ranking factors for their search index.
Google Analytics Conversion Setup X Google Analytics Conversion Setup, to track the add conversion from organic SEO and paid advertisement
Schema Implementation for Logo Reviews X The Local Business section of Schema.org has a variety of categories that businesses can implement as part of the footer or contact page of their website, including address, phone, fax, operating hours, and even accepted payment types
Location Based Page Analysis X Do the location based reasearch to setup the landing pages
Local Search Engine Optimization
Google My Business Setup & Verification X Google My Business Setup & Verification
Google Places – Photo/Multimedia additions X Google Places – Photo/Multimedia additions
Business Listings / Local Citations 4 A structured citation is your business information (NAP) on a business listing directory. When you see lists of citation sites, these are pretty much always business listing directories where you can submit your business and get a citation.Example sites for structured citations include: Yelp
Bing Local Listing Setup X Bing Local Listing Setup
Local City Pages Setup X The city pages that we create on the website aims to highlight a geographic aspect of the business for its customers. These pages helps the website to rank in the surrounding cities around the main business location. Also, it helps the website get found by new customers and improve the organic  rankings for niche services within the concerned area.
Customer Reviews/Ratings 5 A customer review is a review of a product or service made by a customer who has purchased and used, or had experience with, the product or service. Customer reviewsare a form of customer feedback on electronic commerce and online shopping sites
Off-Page Optimization
Existing Backlink Analysis X A backlink analysis shows you all of the links that they’re taking into consideration and gives you a better understanding of your site’s ability to rank well in search engine results. Backlink analysis also helps you identify bad links. … You should also conduct backlink analysis on your main competitors’ sites.
PR Writing X Press Release writing (A press release is the quickest and easiest way to get free publicity. If well written, a press release can result in multiple published articles about your firm and its products. And that can mean new prospects contacting you asking you to sell to them)
PR Distribution 1 Press Release Submission (A press release is the quickest and easiest way to get free publicity. If well written, a press release can result in multiple published articles about your firm and its products. And that can mean new prospects contacting you asking you to sell to them)
Article Submission 1 Article Submission (Article submission generally refers to the writing of articles that are relevant to your online business and then getting them added to the popular article submission directories. … There are various benefits of article submission including advertising, marketing and publicity of your business on the World Wide Web.)
Search Engine Submission X Search Engine Submission (Google Webmaster Tools. Search engine submission is an effective tool of web promotion. It refers to the direct submission of a website to a search engine. It is a form of internet marketing that helps a webmasters increase the rankings of a web pages or pages.)
Forum/Reviews Posting 5 Forum/Reviews Posting (Forum Posting is an important part of any SEO effort to increase direct traffic to a website. Forum Posting in Laymen’s terms means replying to threads or posting new threads to obtain quality inbound links to a website. Done Right! Forum posting can drive targeted traffic to a website.)
Social Bookmarking 50 Social Bookmarking (Social bookmarking is a great traffic-boosting SEO strategy because it’s easy, effective and trendy. … Like Website structure, website content, website design, on- page optimization etc. 2. Quality back links is the one of significant part among all these parts.)
Blog Posting 5 Blog Posting (Blog Posting is also called as the Blog Publishing. Simply blog posting is the term where you can posting your blog in blogger sites for getting quality backlinks. That quality backlinks helps your website to rank high in Google. Nowadays Blogging and Blog Posting play the major role in SEO.)
Classified Writing 10 Classified Writing (Classified ads are usually used to generate leads and increase click through rates. They are an excellent method of getting relevant back links to your blog or website.)
Classified Submissions 40 Classified Submissions (Classified Ad Posting. “Advertise your product or service online with Classified Ad Posting to increase website traffic!” Online classified advertising is the process of advertising a product or service by writing an interesting description about it.)
Content Writing for PDF/Profile/PPT 4 Content Writing for PDF/Profile/PPT (Write your article in MS Word. Use heading tags. The title and article body should contain your keywords. You can place your images and give alt tag. You can give hyperlinks for your keywords. The PDF should be created in text format. Don’t use Photoshop, since it will create an image file. Search engines cannot read image files. They can read text based PDF. Convert your word document into PDF. Upload it to your website or other PDF sharing sites)
PDF/Profile and PPT submission X PDF/Profile and PPT submission (PPT submission can help your website get inbound traffic through backlinks, and is a good way to improve the page rankings. PPT in SEO is a perfect tool for increasing Google rank, where submission to quality directories can help your website get increasing number of targeted traffic.) (PDF submission is very important for SEO. You can create a PDF brochure for your website and promote it. The PDF should be search engine optimized for better results. PDF can be optimized the same way as HTML pages. There are so many PDF websites available for sharing your PDF file. Search engines can read PDF same way as HTML. These sites are frequently updated and hence search engines crawl these sites more often. Getting a back link here will get your keywords optimized and bring more traffic.)
Inforgraphics 5 Inforgraphics (Infographic submission is the most recent and most effective technique used for purpose of Search Engine Optimization through social media. Infographics are basically type of graphical representation depicting some information or integrated with data.)
Videos Promotions** (Videos to be provided by the client) 2 Videos Promotions** (Video Submission is a process of submitting your videos in video submission sites to get quality backlinks. Also, Video submission sites are very effective in increasing brand awareness as well as promoting a brand.)
Weekly SEO Reports X Weekly SEO Reports (Weekly reports including all the Off Page submissions made in particular and tracking improvement of the ranking)
Monthly Ranking Reports X Monthly Ranking Reports (Monthly ranking reports are produced to checking the improvement in the position of keyword on Google search engine)

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The purpose of this project is to increase your company’s revenue and traffic via SEO (search engine optimization).

To do this, we will:

1) Provide and implement specific SEO recommendations to optimize YOUR WEBISTE for search engines.

2)Create high-quality blog content that will help position your company as a leader in the concerned industry. The main purpose of this will be to bring in more search engine traffic. But it can also help drive social media traffic and even attract new customers.

3) Conduct outreach for the purposes of building backlinks to your site and securing media coverage for your brand.

Our Approach 

At  Opti-Hive, we start our process by establishing where your company is. This means looking into how your company is doing on SEO, like the amount of organic traffic you are already getting, which keywords your website is currently ranking for, and which are your most important keywords overall.

We will also verify if there are any potential issues with your website that keeps you from ranking, and how to solve them. This will help us establish a baseline.

Establishing a baseline is extremely important because it lets us know where we are and allows us to create realistic and achievable goals.

It also helps us discover any potential issues that might be preventing your company from achieving its goals. We can then solve these, to start on a solid foundation.

Once we establish your baseline and your needs, we will start developing your SEO strategy and supervise it to fruition.


Here is what our auditing process looks like:

  1. Laying the groundwork 

We begin the process by using various tools to crawl your website. These tools let us collect the information we need to learn how well your website is currently ranking.

We also check your analytics to discover trends and patterns about your traffic and use the free Google Webmasters diagnostic tools.

Once we have collected all the data we need, we start the audit process.

  1. Discovering your website’s accessibility 

By using the data we have collected, we will learn how well search engines are currently able to crawl and access your website. We look for potential issues in your website’s metadata, sitemaps, site architecture, navigation, and framework.

This lets us know two things: how well search engines can access your website and how well search engines can understand your website.

Finally, we check your site’s performance—how fast it loads on a computer or smartphone.

  1. Finding out your indexability 

Once we make sure search engines can access and understand your website, we need to make sure they can index it too.

“Indexing” means search engines include your website in their results when someone looks up relevant information.

This part is quite simple to do. We search various queries on Google and Bing and find out how many of the pages from your website are included in the results.

If any pages cannot be accessed, we will offer solutions to help you index them.

  1. On-page optimization 

Once we have ensured your website is indexed and SEO-friendly, we dig into the rest of the factors that determine your ranking.

We consider factors such as:

  • URLs
  • Content
  • Duplicate Content
  • Keyword Cannibalism
  • HTML markup
  • Interlinking


These factors will help us find even more ways to improve your ranking.

Keywords Researching: We will do keyword research within your market niche and find the best keywords which will drive maximum to your websites. Keyword research involves analysis of your existing website content, competitor analysis and local market analysis.

Note: Focus on long-tail keywords – The days of focusing on a single keyword for each page are long gone. We will include all the relevant terms and phrases related to your business. Long-tail keywords provide us potential visitors as well as the chances of ranking higher on Google search engine is more.

  1. Off-page optimization 

When it comes to ranking, what is not on your website is just as important as what is on it. Your website needs to have high-quality sites linking to it. These links, or backlinks, help determine your page authority.

Here, we review your website’s popularity compared to your competition, your backlinks, and their sources, how trustworthy your website is, as well as your Page Authority and Domain Authority. Based on this analysis, we act and start building links to your site through different tactics.

  1. Competition analysis 

Once we have reviewed everything there is to review about your website, we will also review your competitors’ websites and compare the results.

Finally, we determine the actions that are needed to increase your website’s ranking.


In reviewing your website, we will learn about any issues it may have. These can include the following:

Missing Alt Tags and Broken Images 

Images must always be fully responsive since broken images are bad for SEO. However, since Google cannot see the images, it relies on alt tags to know what the image represents.

Alt tags help search engines understand what images are about and their relevance to the content.

Meta Descriptions Issues 

Meta descriptions help users decide whether they should click on your website when they find it on a search engine. If your meta descriptions are not attractive enough, users may look elsewhere. The fewer clicks your website gets, the lower the search engine will rank it.

By providing relevant meta descriptions, you ensure users will click on your website and help your website rank higher.

Low Word Count 

When it comes to SEO, there is no minimum word count; however, words help search engines understand the purpose of a page.

And it is not just about how many words are written either. Google prefers deep and valuable content, rather than fluff.

Your content should be long enough to convey the right information, without any unnecessary repetition or rephrasing.

Broken Internal and External Links 

Having broken links can be extremely damaging for your SEO. While a couple of broken links are usually not a big problem, the more your website contains, the less friendly it will appear to both users and search engines.

This is especially true of search engines because they do not typically crawl your whole website at one time. So, the more broken links you have, the more likely it is that a search engine will not find the content it is looking for.

Objectives & Solutions 

Based on the issues above, we can decide which path to take to fix any problems and help your website rank even higher.

Here are the proposed objectives and solutions for your website:

Improve meta descriptions. 

We need to ensure all pages have a proper meta description that is both informative and relevant to the rest of the page.

To achieve this, we need to keep meta descriptions at a limit of 155 characters to ensure as much information is conveyed without anything getting cropped out.

We should also improve meta descriptions to make them sound actionable by making sure they all have a proper CTA. Finally, we need to ensure the meta descriptions include the most important keyword, all while matching the rest of the content.

Fix image issues. 

Next, we need to ensure your website’s images have the proper tags and are fully functional.

All alt tags should describe images using less than 125 characters. They should also use relevant keywords when possible.

Increase word count. 

Not all pages need to contain a lot of content. However, we need to ensure all pages have enough content to fully inform users and search engines of their purpose.

To achieve this, we need to find pages with content issues and improve the text in them without using any unnecessary words. The text should be easy to read, easy to scan, and to the point.

Fix broken links. 

We need to find every broken link. These broken links will be tracked on a spreadsheet.

We will then find the relevant active links to replace each of the broken links, which will also help with interlinking.

Create an SEO campaign. 

The final and most crucial step of this process is the creation of an SEO campaign. Our SEO team will build a framework so you can increase your rankings and organic traffic. This framework will increase the number of new visitors and maintain regular visitors while giving you an edge over the competition.

Terms of Agreement 

We will audit your website YOUR WEBISTE and fix any SEO issues it may have. We will then develop a campaign and carry it on to fruition over six months. Once those six months have ended, we will repeat the process by completing another audit and developing another SEO campaign.

NOTE: The above cost of each package includes the number of keywords per month and specified number of city pages. The mentioned cost itself includes the design, development, optimization, and content for the city pages.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]